The Gift of Touch

The Gift of Touch


November 14 • Tim Gibbons

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)

Jesus had a unique way of challenging people’s thinking and giving them new perspectives as they looked at the world.

To those who looked at themselves and were proud of the fact that they had never murdered anyone, Jesus told them to look a little closer. He wanted them to see the anger in their hearts and to recognize that their words could be like an arrow aimed at another person.

To those who were persecuted and hurting, he helped them see there could be blessing amid pain. He told them to look deeper and to see the other side of pain and realize that God could use it to bring blessings into their lives.

The religious leaders looked across the landscape and saw it littered with undesirables such as tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers and sinners. Jesus saw these people and invited them as honoured guests to the banquet his Father was preparing for all who would follow the Son of God.

Since starting his public ministry, Jesus has been about the business of opening closed eyes and changing the way people see the world. This was true two thousand years ago, and it is just as true today! And so may our eyes be open to see afresh, anew the way of Jesus, the way of mercy!

See you this weekend!
Pastor Tim