For Hope

For Hope

For Unto Us

December 19 - 20 • Ian Trigg

I love celebrating communion at Christmas! It builds such a remarkable bridge between the wonder of Christmas and the sacred hope of Easter. Hope is a bit of an endangered species for us all these days. We're all struggling with Christmas plans, how to care for loved ones, what we can do and what we cannot do. I've fallen in love with the line from "O Holy Night" that because of Jesus, even this "weary world rejoices!" There still is reason for joy - there still is cause for hope - there still is the gift of peace. I hope you'll be able to join us for online church this weekend and for our Christmas Eve services on Thursday. We will do our best to sing the carols, read the scriptures and remember why Jesus came and how he still comes to us today. Have a blessed week of Christmas! May whatever ends up under our tree remind us of the greatest gift of all, the One who hung on a tree so we could truly find joy - even in a weary world!

Be safe. Be blessed. Be well. Be joyful!

Pastor Ian